The Westchester County Office of Economic Development, in partnership with the New York City Economic Development Corporation, established a Quantum Consortium in 2023, and has since established four working groups: Ecosystem Building, End User Adoption, Government Relations and Workforce Development/Talent Pipeline. More than 40 members, representing 25 organizations, from across New York State have joined this group to help develop a strategy for quantum information science and technology (QIST) job growth.

Among the QUANTUM Consortium’s goals, are:

  • Establish New York as THE U.S. leader in quantum technologies;
  • Help NY State become the center of manufacturing for the quantum industry;
  • Develop and implement a comprehensive strategy that ensures quantum information science and technology (QIST) jobs will start, grow, and remain in the state;
  • Strengthen the STEM education infrastructure, from K to career; and,
  • Develop QIST workforce development plans that embrace equity and diversity.

Representative QUANTUM Consortium members include:

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