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Welcome to Westchester County

County Executive Kenneth W Jenkins on why Westchester is the perfect place to relocate your business.

Several Fortune 500 companies are located in Westchester

Company logos

You’ve probably heard of a few of them, like IBM, Pepsi, Mastercard, Heineken USA, and Danone North America. The county is also home to nearly 34,000 firms. Together, Westchester businesses generate more than $1 billion in annual payroll.

In addition to its attractive location just north of New York City, Westchester County is rich with talent. Our high percentage of alumni from prestigious universities and institutions make the county one of the best educated workforces in the country.

Key Economic & Demographic Data


An overview of Westchester County including our labor force, businesses & jobs, transportation and more.

arrow pointing to COMMUNITY PROFILESAn overview of Westchester County including our labor force, businesses & jobs, transportation and more. Go to COMMUNITY PROFILESAn overview of Westchester County including our labor force, businesses & jobs, transportation and more. page


Our highly educated workforce includes a diverse pool of talented individuals who can help your business to grow and thrive.

arrow pointing to DEMOGRAPHICSOur highly educated workforce includes a diverse pool of talented individuals who can help your business to grow and thrive. Go to DEMOGRAPHICSOur highly educated workforce includes a diverse pool of talented individuals who can help your business to grow and thrive. page


Learn more about our major employers and core industries.

arrow pointing to BUSINESSES & INDUSTRIESLearn more about our major employers and core industries. Go toBUSINESSES & INDUSTRIESLearn more about our major employers and core industries. page


An overview of Westchester County including our labor force, businesses & jobs, transportation and more.

arrow pointing to LABOR FORCEAn overview of Westchester County including our labor force, businesses & jobs, transportation and more. Go to LABOR FORCEAn overview of Westchester County including our labor force, businesses & jobs, transportation and more. page


Our highly educated workforce includes a diverse pool of talented individuals who can help your business to grow and thrive.

arrow pointing to CONSUMER EXPENDATURESOur highly educated workforce includes a diverse pool of talented individuals who can help your business to grow and thrive. Go to CONSUMER EXPENDATURESOur highly educated workforce includes a diverse pool of talented individuals who can help your business to grow and thrive. page


Learn more about our major employers and core industries.

arrow pointing to OCCUPATION DATALearn more about our major employers and core industries. Go toOCCUPATION DATALearn more about our major employers and core industries. page


Our interactive map provides a detailed view of Westchester County and the region

arrow pointing to MAPOur interactive map provides a detailed view of Westchester County and the region Go to MAPOur interactive map provides a detailed view of Westchester County and the region page


See how Westchester County stacks up against its neighboring communities.

arrow pointing to COMPARESee how Westchester County stacks up against its neighboring communities. Go to COMPARESee how Westchester County stacks up against its neighboring communities. page


Learn more about our highly educated workforce and robust talent pool.

arrow pointing to TALENTLearn more about our highly educated workforce and robust talent pool. Go toTALENTLearn more about our highly educated workforce and robust talent pool. page

Programs & Incentives

Westchester’s Industrial Development Agency (IDA) and Local Development Corporation (LDC) are designed to help businesses and not-for-profits thrive. The IDA offers assistance to eligible companies, such as:

  • Issuance of Tax Exempt Bonds and Notes
  • Sales Tax Exemptions on new construction, expansion or renovation projects, or the acquisition of new equipment
  • Mortgage Recording Tax Exemptions on the purchase of Real Estate

And for not-for-profits, the LDC has assisted organizations in securing tax-exempt bond financing benefits totaling over $400 million since 2012.

Grow, expand or relocate to Westchester County.

With 450 square miles and 45 cities, towns and villages, the county offers a host of places to do business.

Office Location Availabilities

For Sale and Lease in Westchester

Live in Westchester County

Picturesque neighborhoods and outdoor recreation surround lively downtowns with diverse cultural art scenes, unique dining experiences, employment opportunities, and accessibility to New York City.

Trees illustration

Hike trails, explore nature preserves, and more across 18,000 acres of parkland.

Scooter illustration

Commute to New York City in as little as 30 minutes.

Haning artwork illustration

Enjoy cutting-edge art and live music throughout Westchester.


Contact Westchester County

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