Joyce Cole

Founder, JSC Consulting

Turning a Passion Project into a Business: Joyce Cole’s Launch1000 Story.

When Joyce Cole’s good friend suggested she join the Launch1000 program she didn’t immediately think it was a fit. What Joyce saw as a passion project helping friends learn more about their family’s genealogy others saw as the seeds of a new business. And, after a little convincing, Joyce took the leap and joined Launch1000.

“I never thought about being an entrepreneur. Ever,” Joyce said. “I was just following my passion.”

Before joining Launch1000, Joyce spent 3-years helping friends and family learn more about their roots. Her passion for helping people understand their connection the community through their family history was already generating referrals – but Launch1000 helped her hone her concept and think about what she was doing as a business.

Here are a few highlights from Joyce’s journey to launch JSC Research.

Biggest Breakthroughs or A-Ha Moments:
“Learning about myself and the value I bring to the world was a huge part of this process. Learning how what you do lines up with who you are as a person allowed me to see this business was my calling.”

“I never would have done this level of market research without Launch1000. Looking at your competitors and realizing that some of them may be your strategic partners…understanding what they are doing and not doing…it all helps you to see where your business fits and what you can bring to clients that they cannot.”

Top Takeaway from Launch1000:
“This program taught me that it’s okay to scale my business slowly. I am a genealogist who is also a working historian, so I want to remain visible in the community and grow my business at a manageable pace.”

What’s Next:
Now that Joyce has completed Launch1000, she is focusing on writing three books and remaining visible in her community. She is teaching workshops and leading a genealogy camp for kids called D.I.G. Me (Discovery in Genealogy) where she helps youth understand how their families have contributed to the history of society and, in turn, gain a sense of belonging.

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Our Incentives

Westchester County’s various incentives help support startups, assist not-for-profits, and promote economic development through creating, attracting and retaining jobs, and more.


Industrial Development Agency

Sales tax exemptions on new construction, expansion or renovation projects, or the acquisition of new equipment, and more help companies grow and prosper.

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Local Development Corporation

Since its inception in 2012, we’ve assisted not-for-profit organizations in securing tax-exempt bond financing benefits totaling over $400 million—at no cost or risk to the taxpayers of Westchester County.

Our Programs

Westchester County offers programs and services to assist and incentivize businesses.

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Element 46 Incubator

The new Element 46 Incubator program kicked off in 2019 to inspire and support entrepreneurial talent and the development of new businesses in the County. Nearly a hundred business leaders will serve as mentors to startups, offering their expertise, time, and support.

Woman of color smiling

Minority and Women-Owned Business Program

Westchester works to encourage, promote and increase participation of business enterprises owned and controlled by persons of color or women.


Opportunity Zones

This new community investment tool established by Congress in 2017 encourages long-term investments in low-income urban and rural communities nationwide.

American flag waving

Service-Disabled Veteran - Owned Business Program

Westchester encourages and supports eligible SDVOBs to play a greater role in the state's economy by increasing their participation in New York State's contracting opportunities.

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Disadvantaged Business Program

This federally regulated program provides a vehicle for increasing the participation by small businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.

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