African American woman presenting information

When it comes to small business, Westchester County is committed to creating a level playing field and helping everyone succeed.

The Minority and Women-Owned Business Program is an excellent resource for minority- and women-owned businesses, which may be just starting out or have long been established in the local economy. Reap the most benefits of this program, register today.

We have launched a new tool for our MWBEs to connect and gain access to opportunities within the County. This web-based mapping application, developed by the Westchester County Department of IT GIS, provides a comprehensive view of all businesses registered with the Westchester County Minority and Women-Owned Business Program.  With this mapping tool you will be able to see where all our MWBEs are located in the county and see detailed information about each business, filter by business category and see valuable infographics.

Looking to hire an MWBE? Search our database by clicking on the box below 

Attention:  We have converted to a new system. Effective immediately all MWBEs who are NYS Certified will be required to fill out a short registration form.  MWBEs who are NOT NYS Certified will be required to fill out a long registration form.

By registering your minority or women-owned business, you'll receive:

  • High visibility to county departments, contractors, and anyone interested in doing business with Minority and Women-Owned Businesses
  • E-mail notifications of contract opportunities 
  • Special invitations to workshops, seminars and training and other information to help your business succeed

Contact the Minority and Women-Owned Business Program office with your questions about the program.

Want to sell your product or service to government agencies? The Procurement Technical Assistance Center can help you understand the competitive bidding process and find opportunities appropriate for your company.

African American business woman

The Minority and Women-Owned Business Program Database

Upon registering as a minority- and women-owned business, your information will be entered into the Minority and Women-Owned Business Program database and will be accessible by county departments and the public. This database organizes companies into 10 distinct business categories. Learn more



WestWorks is a weekly synopsis of advertised contracts, bid opening results and awarded contract and agreements. This free publication is an additional source to locate business opportunities and access to weekly bid books released by the Board of Acquisition and Contract. Learn more

Asian American business man

Doing Business with Westchester County

The county has a system for posting active business opportunities, such as requests for proposals (RFPs). All county business opportunities are categorized using the same 10 business category definitions, as for the MWOB database. Learn more

Group of business women

Workshops and Training

Ongoing workshops and trainings are available for registered minority- and women-owned businesses to build and enhance their skills. Workshops will be presented by content experts, economic development experts and other seasoned business professionals. Learn more